USA is the largest, most technologically and powerful economy in the World.
Unemployment rate is very low at 4%.
Its literacy rate is 97%
Some Salient Features:
Wide choice of Universities and Colleges and variety of interesting courses to apply.
Extremely flexible education system and high quality of education.
Affordable education.
Part time employment possibilities with on-campus jobs. Earn while you learn.
Financial Assistance in the form of scholarships and assistantships.
Geography & Climate:
USA is country that enjoys a cool climate almost round the year. The USA shares its borders with Mexico in the south and Canada to the north. To the west is the Pacific Ocean, to the south - the Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico, to the east - the Atlantic Ocean. The geography of the USA is hugely diverse ranging from glacier and tundra to sub-tropical forest and desert, vast plains and lofty mountain ranges.
The official currency of USA is Dollar ($). 1 $ = Rs.62 /- (Approx. as on Oct 2013).
Cost of Education & Living:
The cost of education in USA is between $10000-17000for Undergraduate Courses and between $11000-19000 for Post-Graduate Courses. The cost of living is approximately $7000–12000 per year, this covers all the living expenses; including accommodation, food, travel, books, clothes and entertainment.
Major Cities:
New York, N.Y., California, Washington D.C., Los Angeles, Boston, Chicago, San Francisco.